Raccontarsi in versi. La poesia autobiografica in Inghilterra e in Spagna (1950-1980)



In this volume, Lerro discusses the critical theories underlying the genre of autobiography, from the Enlightenment to the present. He suggests that poetic compositions exert a stronger influence on autobiography than is recognized by current theorists (Philippe Lejeune), and draws on the examples of Seamus Heaney, Thom Gunn, Carlos Barral, and Jaime Gil de Biedma as witnesses of the lyrical-autobiographical impulse from 1950-1980 in England and Spain. In “Italian Bookshelf” edited by Dino S. Cervigni e Anne Tordi (Annali d’Italianistica, University of North Carolina.)  

L’artico di Maurizio Cucchi su “Avvenire” PDF

L’articolo di Stefano Raimondi su “Pulp” PDF